Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Treatment for in motion work

Treatment Photography

  1. Type of production and brief details on Subject/Concept:
In motion taking pictures of things that are in movement
Such as people, Cars and trains

  1. Facilities: What facilities do you need for this project list all including software and hardware for the whole project?
We will need a camera and software we may use will be Photoshop

  1. Finance: If you produced this project outside of the college you need to show how much would it cost to hire the equipment that you intend to use?
Canon 500D cheapest price £546.94

  1. Contributors: Who do you need to help this for you project? This includes talent and crew.
      Ash Frisby and maybe Brandon Bloor

5. Presentation: How will you present the pictures? Will you include a soundtrack, think about copy write issues etc.
We will present our work on a slideshow online

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Portitaure Diane Arbus

Diane Arbus (1923- 1971)

Arbus showed a different side of photography rather than showing beautiful people see showed the people that were at the time thought to be not normal these were people like Dwarfs the reason for Arbus taking pictures of these type of people was because  she saw a side that no one else did and she became fascinated with them and wanted to show the world what she saw. Arbus received criticisms, Normal Miller said "Giving a camera to Diane Arbus is like putting a live grenade in the hands of a child", But despite this Arbus has had her work put in some of the biggest art galleries and was the first American photographer to have her work displayed in the Venice Biennale and her photographs sell for hundreds of thounsands of dollars at auctions.

A man covered in tattoos from a circus show


There are many different techniques for portrait photography. Often it is desirable to capture the subject's eyes and face in sharp focus while allowing other less important elements to be rendered in a soft focus. At other times, portraits of individual features might be the focus of a composition such as the hands, eyes or part of the subject's torso.